Cat Watching – Why cats purr and everything else you ever wanted to know
Catwatching Why cats purr and everything else you ever wanted to know By Desmond Morris Catwatching (1986) – 136 pages “The domestic cat is a contradiction. No animal has developed such an intimate relationship with mankind, while at the same time demanding and getting such independence of movement and action. The dog may be man’s best friend, but it is rarely allowed out on its own to wander from garden to garden or street to street. The headstrong cat walks alone.” Thus begins Desmond Morris’s fascinating examination of cat behavior and the way in which man and cats interact. In this intriguing and engaging book Desmond Morris answers many of the questions he has been asked about cats – and some that have never been asked. Every cat lover will be amazed and enlightened [sgmb id=”2″] Partilhe
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